

“René Barbera dans le rôle d’Alfredo, a été vocalement impeccable. Son émission a été claire, son timbre très agréable, sa diction très compréhensible, ses dires parfaitement en accord avec le moment vécu par le personnage. Très à l’aise aussi bien dans le registre aigu que le dans le registre moyen, parfait dans les parties récitées, il a donné d’Alfredo une image très crédible.”

“Rene Barbera in the role of Alfredo, was vocally flawless. His sound was clear, his tone very pleasant, his diction very understandable, his words perfectly in sync with the moment lived by the character. Very comfortable both in the high register and in the middle register, perfect in the recited parts, he gave Alfredo a very credible image.”

“Alfredo, is René Barbera who immediately seduces by the clarity of the timbre, a vocal brilliance that owes nothing to force, a homogeneity which gives body to the middle and low registers, and a dramatic engagement which makes him credible as a young passionate lover, like a man wounded by a whip. He finds a nice balance for the difficult “Dei miei bollenti spiriti” where the evocation of the over-excited lover subsides in the serenity of the shared confidence, and the vocal conviction is delectable!” – Forum Opéra

“[Barbera] chooses to give priority to the vocal line, the legato and delivers a delightful, exciting performance. The treble is easy, always ductile.” – Ôlyrix

Forum Opéra